General & Family Dentistry
Dr. Domenic Savo Sardro dentistry is for patients of all ages offering complete, comprehensive dental care.
At Dr. Domenic Savo Sardro Dentistry we offer professional dental health care including checkups, oral health consultations and any necessary dental treatment. Teaching children about oral hygiene can help them maintain a healthy and beautiful smile for life.

Dental Cleanings
Dental cleaning, also called “scaling and polishing,” involves the removal of a hard substance, called “calculus” or “tartar”Crown & Bridge
A crown, which entirely covers a damaged tooth, is used to strengthen the tooth, improve its appearance/shape and/or align the tooth.Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is the de-vitalization of a tooth. It is the removal of the tooth’s pulp (the tissue in the centre of the tooth containing blood vessels and nerves).Invisalign
Want straight teeth but hate the idea of wearing braces? Invisalign may be a great option for you!Tooth Pain
Tooth pain can be caused by various problems. Oral examination can help determine the cause.Broken or Chipped Tooth
Chipped teeth can be treated either by cosmetic bonding or porcelain restoration.Cavities & Decay
We use modern technology to detect decay in the earliest stages, saving and preserving your teeth.Tooth Stains
We offer two whitening procedures to brighten your teeth and return the smile to your face.With flexible office hours and emergency services, we are readily available to treat your dental needs.
Call or contact us to book an appointment!